Enhancing Organizational Interoperability in Hyperledger Cacti

The emergence of blockchain interoperability in the last few years has been playing a pivotal role in the development of blockchain technology. Hyperledger has been supporting multiple projects in this domain, leading to semantic and technical interoperability advancements such as the Secure Asset Transfer Protocol (SATP), being standardized at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This event will focus on how Hyperledger Cacti can leverage the concept of consortium and organizational interoperability.

Organizational interoperability refers to the capacity of companies or organizations to establish consortia that adhere to predefined cross-chain rules. The aim is to facilitate interactions between interoperability components and entities, with the hope of attaining privacy assurances while upholding security standards. This project aims to advance this area by developing a new Cacti plugin to enable consortium creation between Cacti Nodes, while also providing foundational studies and considerations for future steps in organizational interoperability within Cacti.

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