04/04 Crypto Café Gent

Zebrastraat Zebrastraat 32, 9000, 9000 Gent, Gent, Vlaanderen, BE

Het Crypto Café in Gent is de place to be in Vlaanderen om live talks bij te wonen over Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies en nog zoveel meer!Crypto Café GentTopic: SUI vs SOLANAOp […]

ZK Learning Group: Interactive Oracle Proofs (IOPs)

Online event

A learning group for zero knowledge and SNARK application development. During the year we will systematically explore different aspects of zero knowledge and SNARK programming in application development. Third Thursday […]

Bitcoin meetup 111@ Outpost – Topics TBA

Outpost Gamecenter Gent Ottergemsesteenweg 13, gent, BE

We welcome you to our meetup 19:45 Grab a drink 20:00 TBA 20:45 Grab a drink 21:00 TBA 21:45 Grab another drink, and another and another and... If you want […]

From Techno Feudalism to Crypto Enlightenment

Online event

Some authors have been vocal comparing to feudalism the current economic system concentrated in the hands of few digital behemoths. That’s a result of the Web 2 architecture of the […]

Bevel Operator Fabric with Hashicorp Vault

Online event

Join David Viejo from KFS for an interactive and informative session on deploying Hyperledger Fabric networks using Bevel Operator Fabric, with a special focus on integration with HashiCorp Vault. As […]

Next-Generation Privacy for Enterprise DLT

Howest Bruges Station Building A Spoorwegstraat 4, Bruges, BE

Join us at Howest Bruges' newest campus for an evening focused on next-generation privacy for enterprise DLT. Through three to-the-point, insightful talks, we’ll explore practical applications of decentralized identity, zero-knowledge […]

02/05 Crypto Café Gent

Zebrastraat Zebrastraat 32, 9000, 9000 Gent, Gent, Vlaanderen, BE

Het Crypto Café in Gent is de place to be in Vlaanderen om live talks bij te wonen over Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies en nog zoveel meer!Crypto Café GentTopic: AI AgentsOntdek tijdens […]